Kathleen Blanco Quotes, Sayings, Remarks, Thoughts and Speeches

Kathleen Blanco Quotes and Sayings

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    At the state level, we must take a careful look at what went wrong and make sure it never happens again. The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    God calls us to care for our fellow man, especially the neediest. I feel that call to lift up the less fortunate; the call to improve our communities and our state. It drives me to serve Louisiana as governor. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    I care for you. I want to make life safer and better for you. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    I know that government doesn't have the all solutions that real solutions do not come from the top down. Instead, the ways to end poverty come from all of us. We are part of the solution. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    Let me be clear - I want all Louisiana citizens to have choice - including the elderly and persons with disabilities - and their families - who rely on the state for their care. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    My values, our values, aren't about pointing fingers. They are about offering a helping hand. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    Poverty is everyone's problem. It cuts across any line you can name: age, race, social, geographic or religious. Whether you are black or white; rich, middle-class or poor, we are ALL touched by poverty. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    The first light of day today revealed what we had feared. The devastation is greater than our worst fears. It's just totally overwhelming. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every education person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    We didn't lose as many lives as had been predicted although we're still in the process of finding those we lost. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    We have witnessed the most extraordinary devastation. The magnitude of the situation is unbelievable. It's just heartbreaking. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
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    When I'm out hustling up new industries, I can offer Louisiana's many selling points. We have unmatched natural resources, a unique culture and fantastic workers. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF
  • 13
    When your whole system, your whole civilized system goes down, this is pretty much what you get left with. We have no communications, no running water, no electricity, no real help. Kathleen Blanco | Refcard PDF






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