Charles Inglis Quotes, Sayings, Remarks, Thoughts and Speeches

Charles Inglis Quotes and Sayings

Charles Inglis Quotes, Quotations, Sayings, Remarks and Thoughts
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  • 1
    A Failure in this Duty did once involve our Nation in all the Horrors of Rebellion and Civil War. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 2
    A State infinitely worse than that which the most inflamed Zealot, the most violent Republican or Enthusiast even pretended to dread before the Rebellion commenced. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 3
    All the dark, malevolent Passions of the Soul are roused and exerted; its mild and amiable affections are suppressed; and with them, virtuous Principles are laid prostrate. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 4
    If notwithstanding, a Rebellion of the same Kind now afflicts this Country, we should not infer that this Institution is useless, or should be laid aside; but just the Reverse. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 5
    It is the Band which unites the Interests of Individuals; it secures to them their respective Rights, and preserves them from Injuries; it is the Source of numberless Blessings, which are interrupted, or wholly vanish, the Moment it is disturbed. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 6
    IT may be proper to observe further, that this Duty is not confined to those who live under any one particular Form of Government: It extends to the Subjects of all regular States, lawfully established. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 7
    LET us honour the King by cherishing respectful Sentiments concerning him; speaking of him with Affection, with Esteem and Reverence; and by promoting a like Spirit and Conduct in others. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 8
    That some Forms of Government are preferable to others, cannot be doubted; yet neither our Saviour, nor his Apostles have decided where that Preference is due. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 9
    THIS Duty implies that we should affectionately interest ourselves in whatever concerns the Honour, the Fame and Security of our Sovereign and his Government. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 10
    TO comprehend the Wisdom of this Injunction the better, and explain the Duty before us, it should be considered, that Government is the only Means by which human Happiness can be attained. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF
  • 11
    TO fear God, is one of the first and greatest Duties of his rational Creatures. Charles Inglis | Refcard PDF






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